Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I swear

I do work. Check me out in this pic getting hella stuff done. I'm basically a plow horse, throwing my full weight into the harness every day and dragging a 400 pound plow through bedrock. I'm laying the foundation for a prosperous summer and fall harvest like old mules of the 19th century.

Someone has to find pictures and sites to forward to coworkers and others. And everyone here is busy altering plans or designing buildings, so rather than let the chore of stumbling through the internet for morale boosting funny pics fall through the cracks. I pick up that burden. I hoist it on my shoulders and i wield the full weight of that responsibility. At times i doubt my efforts, but i remind myself to be strong. Did David turn and run from Goliath? No he used his intuition and mustered up the best damn plan he could. Did Iron Maiden just play cities they knew well? No they threw all their gear and crew on a plane and BD flew them all over the damn world. In some countries turning out the biggest concerts that they had ever hosted. Did Don Quixote let that windmill get the best of him? No fucking way.

I start getting pumped at 6 a.m. every morning so that by the time i take my post at 9 a.m. the adrenaline is flowing and i can grapple this massive burden onto my tired tired shoulders. Do i bear this burden alone? For the most part yes. But i find inspiration within the fabric of this interwoven web of pictures and videos. Faithfully doing my duty for my fellow man.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Subway Fare Hike YES!!!

The "L" train is always undergoing "maintenance and track repair" on the weekends it seems. And then they are finished working and you think that everything will go back to "normal", they are at it again in a month making sure i can't get home from Manhattan after midnight. My 12 minute ride, becomes a 25 minute wait for a 20 minute ride.

I am all for track repair. I definitely don't want to be run off the tracks under the East River, but it is hard to take the MTA seriously when all i really see is a dozen overweight guys carrying lamps and sitting on their asses. Are they just looking at tracks with their flashlights? Do they actually "repair" anything? The other night one guy was just sweeping water down the middle of the tracks. The water was barely a half inch deep and he was sweeping it the way it was already going. And in order to support this guy's hard work the monthly subway pass jumps $20?

How many people ride the subway every day?

Well on weekdays a paltry 5 million people ride the subway.
Saturdays 2.9 million
Sundays 2.2 million people.

You figure that everyone when they ride the train they go round trip. . So $4 a person at the minumum right? Unless you are one of those sneaky riders who buys an unlimited pass!

So the old/current price is $81 for the 30 day pass so instead of paying $4 a day to ride it twice or $120 a month you are paying $40 less.. and when it goes up to $103. . you will be saving a monster $17 a month. . For less staff and less service. .



Wrap Around Epic.. . View from my balcony. .

Thursday, April 16, 2009


HELL YEAH. 70 degrees for the next few days ='s time to grill. . 40's, shirts off, and meat.. Veggies are an afterthought, but jalapeno poppers and different dips will definitely turn up . . Come one come all. . let us grill in the sun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 5 Faves

Fuck your top five favorite movies. Your top five favorite sports teams. Your top five favorite quizzes.

I am no down with the words "top" and "five" put together.

Why broadcast your top five anything?

Why not top 1,000?